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来源:整理 时间:2022-04-12 20:33:07 编辑:教育知识 手机版
12.Proof 完成,期刊通知正式发表。ps: 步骤7-10可能会经历多个期刊才能结束,时长在一个月到一年甚至更长时间,如果遭遇到这种情况,不要气馁,这完全是正常现象,一投就中的绝对是凤毛菱角,或者就是大神级别的人物。以我的经历来看,要成功发表一篇SCI论文,投稿的次数平均在5次,所以一次、两次被拒,不要放弃,继续转战下一个期刊。



用棒球来做比喻的话,就是成功击出并上了一垒但还不能上二垒,这时候你可以修改你的论文并进行追加实验来满足期刊要求。不论你前面的表现如何,期刊接受率都会根据你如何回覆这些评审意见来决定。 当你回信时,要谨记几点:以下是几个可以帮助你在回信时解说你如何修改论文的句型开头Thank you for providing these insights.Thank you for your suggestion.That is an interesting query.This is an interesting perspective.We agree with you.We agree with your assessment.You have raised an important question.You have asked an interesting question.同意审稿或期刊编辑意见We agree with you and have incorporated this suggestion throughout our paper.We have reflected this comment by… (p. #, lines #-#).We have incorporated your comments by… (p. #, lines #-#).We agree that…We have now [X] (p. #, lines #-#) and [Y] (p. #, lines #-#). We think these changes now better [Z]. We hope that you agree.不同意评审或期刊编辑意见You have raised an important point; however, we believe that [X] would be outside the scope of our paper because…This is a valid assessment of…; however, we believe that [X] would be more appropriate because…We agree that…; however, due to [X], we believe that…In our revisions, we have attempted to [X] (p. #, lines #-#); however, we have retained some of our arguments because…We acknowledge that [X] has certain limitations; however,…解释澄清We have clarified that… means… (p. #, lines #-#) throughout the paper.We have redrafted the [X] section (p. #, lines #-#) to establish a clearer focus.We have revised the text (p. #, lines #-#) to reflect…We removed [X] (from p. #, lines #-#) and hope that the deletion clarifies the points we attempted to make.We have replaced the term [X] throughout the paper with [Y] to use more precise terms.We have rewritten [X] (p. #, lines #-#) to be more in line with your comments. We hope that the edited section clarifies…We have elaborated on [X] (p. #, lines #-#) and expanded our consideration of [Y]. We hope these revisions provide a more [balanced][thorough] discussion.额外的信息与解释We have included a new Figure # (p. #) to further illustrate…We have added a new Table # (p. #), which outlines…We have supplemented the [X] section with explanations of [Y] (p. #, lines #-#).There are multiple reasons/approaches to…, including [our scenario]. We have included an acknowledgment regarding this point in the [X] section (p. #, lines #-#).We have not done… However, we believe that [doing X] (p. #, lines #-#) would address this issue because…We have not done…; however, our sense is that…回答多题 (当你的一个回复回答许多问题时)Please see point # above. [e.g., "Please see point 2(a) above."] 。

