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来源:整理 时间:2022-04-06 23:23:39 编辑:手机 手机版




相到vivo的性价比手机就少不了Y67,这款手机很受现在消费者喜欢,特别是学生和刚参加工作的消费者们,手机的前置指纹解锁很好超快 0.16秒。外观干净大气内存电池都可以,屏幕感触好超快没点上去就打出来字了,相比OPPO的r9s运行都是4g前置都是1600前指纹解锁快。但便宜些。性价比高,也能难怪毕竟1000左右的价钱确实是挺不错。




但是配置和价格来说,没有小米这样的经济划算,曾经是线下销售量比较大的品牌,一度被评为“智商手机”,曾经典型的低配高价手机,在vivo NEX发布之后,得意改观。如果要说品牌哪个好,真的见仁见智,注重性价比的说小米好,注重颜值的说vivo好,但是具体还是要看两家手机的具体型号而定。如小米手机,在小米最初发布的米1时候,就把曾经3000-4000元的配置手机,硬生生的拉下了1999元的价位,可以说是手机价格的屠夫。

而至今,小米8的发布,售价2699元起,成就了骁龙845史上最便宜的手机。而vivo手机,在手机领域,以颜值和音质为侧重点,在硬件方面却没有很少使用顶级硬件配置,凭借着不错的宣传和优化,也给不少用户留下了不错的印象。只是在价格上,却也着实不便宜,如最近热卖的vivo X21,标配骁龙660AIE处理器,6 128G的内存配置,轻松买上了3000元价格,而同时小米的660AIE手机,则没有超过2000元。

而在最近发布的vivo NEX上,却有了很大的改变,顶配的骁龙845处理器,8 128G内存,高占比的全面屏。售价4498元,就相对来说,比较符合旗舰机型的价位。其实,如果说哪个品牌好,在选择手机上,不如把想购买手机的价格,或者配置,列出来,去看哪些手机更符合自己需求,才是最直观的。对此,你有什么看法呢。







再综合这两款手机的性能,可以得出一个结论,那就是vivo手机的性价比高于oppo手机,从这一方面来说,vivo手机还是比oppo手机好。译Choose two mobile phones of OPPO and vivo to see their personal preferences, and then compare personal suggestions.OPPO and vivo belong to step-by-step group. Both of them are excellent mobile phone brands made in China. And unlike other manufacturers, they have not chosen to focus on the Internet market, but continue to insist on the offline market. In recent years, oppo has become an independent company, and vivo is still a subsidiary of Bugao. Since oppo and vivo have their origins all over BBK, they have similar technical aspects.First of all, compare the advantages and disadvantages of these two phones in music function. Vivo phones use independent music chips, so the quality of music is especially good. Oppo phones, like other brand phones, are integrated chips. The advantage of vivo phones is obvious. For those who like music, the choice of vivo mobile phone is better than the choice of oppo mobile phone, vivo mobile phone is easier to let you enjoy the pleasure of music. It can be said that in terms of music function, vivo mobile phone is better than oppo mobile phone.For mobile phone battery life, oppo mobile phone is better than vivo phone. Because most of the vivo phones are built in batteries, the rear lid can not be opened. Therefore, in the long-term use of the process, the battery can not be replaced, resulting in the battery function is getting worse and worse. Most of the oppo phones can be disassembled from the back cover, so their batteries can be effectively replaced and used, which makes the battery life of the oppo mobile phone surpass that of the vivo mobile phone.From the function of these two mobile phones, although the functions of these two mobile phones are superior to those of other brands. But by contrast, the function of oppo mobile phone is still more than that of vivo mobile phone, and the function of oppo mobile phone is more stable than that of vivo mobile phone. Therefore, from the functional aspect, oppo mobile phone is better than vivo mobile phone.From the cost-performance ratio of these two mobile phones, because oppo mobile phones are in the international market, its price is generally higher, while vivo mobile phones are in the domestic market, so its price is relatively low. Combining the performance of these two mobile phones, we can draw a conclusion that the cost-effective ratio of vivo mobile phone is higher than that of oppo mobile phone. In this respect, vivo mobile phone is still better than oppo mobile phone.。

